Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My friends, chapter 5 : RACHEL

It has been uttered by wise sages for centuries that the holiest place on earth is where an ancient hatred becomes a present love. That is true. In our case, Rachel and I didn't have an ancient hatred for each other. In fact, our volatile beginnings were brief. We did not become instant friends. In fact, initially, we were under the impression that we hated each other. This is so hard to believe because we love each other so dearly now and have for so long. It all started freshman year. I was a 15 year old prima donna and so was she. We were of the same ilk, as it were, and attracted many of the same sets of eyes. I think we were being competitive at first. There were dirty looks exchanged, maybe some snide remarks here and there. I'm not clear on how it happened but there ended up being a huge verbal explosion near our lockers one afternoon that came frightfully close to a cat fight. That was a turning point. Somehow, after that detonation we became friends. I think the blast emitted some mutual respect that we gathered from the ashes. Within weeks we were suddenly pals! Go figure. I found out that that gorgeous little pixie was more than just a prissy, pretty thing. She was poetic and boisterous. She could dance circles around break dancers. She wrote lyrical notes to me that made me laugh and sometimes cry. Rachel loved all sorts of fine things. She introduced me to world music of all kinds from many different places. She played vinyl records. We went to shows, cafes, poetry readings, drum circles, parties, and plays. The most fun I had with her was just sitting around talking. We ran in diverse circles and had many, many adventures. We were inseparable for a couple of years.
Rachel moved to Oklahoma our senior year. I was pretty lost for a while. My freshman year of college she came to visit and stayed with me for Christmas. My boyfriend's best friend fell in love with her the minute he saw her and dumped his long standing girlfriend just for a shot at Rachel. Alas, it was short lived. He cried at the airport when she flew back. She was giggling like, "Oh, you poor fool." They never saw each other again. He was pretty mad that the long distance thing didn't survive. I had to take a verbal beating for that. Poor, poor boy. Things like that happened all the time with Rachel. It's not her fault she's so dang gorgeous and fun! Poor tortured boys. Their hearts were never the same.
Eventually, we grew up. She was one of my bride's maids. I'll never forget her reaction to my ex-husband upon meeting him, "You must be in love. There's just no other explanation." I love the honesty. She married Dario, who happens to be the best guy in the known universe. They have two gorgeous children, Giovanna and Hadriel, whom I adore and miss.
Rachel and I love to cook together, eat together, shop, talk, laugh and sometimes cry. I tell her everything, still. We've never lost touch. She came to my college graduation. She cried she was so proud of me. I love her so. She is such a golden friend, such a find, such a gift. I trust her with all my thoughts and dreams and drama and nightmares. She is sound in character and immense in heart. I love her to no end. Rachel; pixie; prima donna, friend, soul sister.

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