Jass and I have been having a conversation for the last three years about exactly the same thing. Is there a God? I have stated my position, siting various scriptures, personal experiences, feelings, and other proofs. He's never ever satisfied with my answers. He says there is no definite reason to believe in God. He likes things pristine and austere. He likes everything communicated via math and/or science. I told him math and science were tinker toys compared with the things of God. As beautiful a vehicle it is, and as much as God uses its principles in all creation, what man has discovered so far about its meaning, presence, and uses is simply too elementary, at this point, to use it to prove His existence.
Beyond that conversation, there have been a few others. Jass will talk with me about anything. He always sets things right. In some ways, he's an emotional genius. If anything is bothering me, not only can he readily tell, but he wants to fix it, and he very often does. He is a rare gem. I really have never known another man my own age who is so emotionally in tune with the feelings of others. He is strong and sensitive at the same time.
I met Jass through my friend Doug, whom I adore and will write about very soon. Doug invited Jass to dinner with a group of us, I believe it was the Iguana Cafe on Lake Travis. I liked him immediately. I noticed his quick wit, his general impatience with anything less than wonderful, and his kind nature. After dinner we found ourselves at Doug's. We played Rock Band. I love to sing in that game. Then we went swimming. After that we talked for approximately three hours about whether or not there was a God. Now that I think of it, perhaps those three hours were foreshadowing for what the next three years would look/sound like. At the end of the night Jass and I went to our cars and drove away. He let me wear his jacket since it was cold. It was really cute because we stopped at like seven stop lights in a row and wound up right next to each other each time, and each time we rolled down our windows and talked a little bit more. It was so funny.
After that, I was hooked. He became one of my favorites instantly and I found myself missing him at odd and unexpected times. We began taking meals together on a regular basis and talking a lot via gchat and phone. At late hours he often spoke in an Armenian accent. I still haven't figured out why but I love that.
Jass has given me miles of great advice. Sometimes I take it and other times I do my own thing, often to his chagrin and my temporary demise. He has given me tremendous gifts through his friendship. I can actually credit him with getting me out of the funk of my divorce. He made me feel normal again. He also took the time to listen to the whole, horrible story, in bits and pieces, over months and years, and helped me put it into perspective, noting why some of those things may have happened and how none of them were my fault. I can't tell you how badly I needed to hear that and believe it. Somehow, after we talked about it, it sunk in. I seriously do not know how I would have recovered without his help. He doesn't like it when I say this but I know God sent him to me. He doesn't like feeling like a puppet but what he may not realize is he's not really a puppet so much as an instrument. Little does he know how much good he's done for God's cause, not just for me but for everyone he encounters. He is beloved wherever he goes. Well, whatever the motive, he has blessed my life tremendously and I love him immensely. Jassy, you make me smile. I look forward to our next three year conversation. New Topic: Gardening.
you might grow weary of me telling you this, but one word always comes to mind in association with you- DELIGHTFUL!
I'm hooked. Can't wait to read about Doug :)
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