Thursday, March 18, 2010


I can be so impatient. I often think or even expect things to happen the instant the notion occurs to me. What are the odds that would realistically coincide? Desire and gratification, seconds apart; dream on. It's time to swallow an enormous truth: Grace knows what she's doing. The grace of great things needs to be respected. Rushing things always creates a mess. No masterpiece was ever created in haste. It's okay for babies to crawl. It is wrong to ask them to walk prematurely. It is wrong to scoop up a handful of seeds and demand that they be trees now or else! The same applies to people. I am guilty of wanting seeds to be trees. Sometimes I want trees out of myself when I haven't even planted my seeds yet, much less consulted experts on soil, watering, and fertilizers. Living life in a mad rush is for the birds. It's probably not even for them, actually.

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